Guaranteed Issue Health Plan
If you are looking to obtain a private health insurance plan, you don’t necessarily need to be medically underwritten. Our Guaranteed Issue Health Plan can be accessed by everyone, regardless of their medical history. Find out more about medical underwriting and whether you are better with standard or guaranteed coverage.
Medical Underwriting & Pre-Existing Conditions
What is medical underwriting?
If you apply for standard health insurance coverage you will go through a process to medically qualify. This is usually done through an in-depth questionnaire. Do not worry; there are no medical tests required to apply for the coverage. However, any pre-existing conditions listed on your application will most likely be excluded from your coverage. Depending on the severity of your pre-existing conditions, you may also be denied for coverage completely.
What is a pre-existing condition?
A pre-existing condition is classed as an ongoing condition or condition that has previously required medical assistance. For example, if you were to apply for coverage after you were diagnosed with high blood pressure, an ongoing pre-existing condition – you would have an exclusion for hypertension. Therefore, any treatments or prescription drugs required to treat or manage your hypertension would be excluded from your coverage and would have to be paid out of pocket. If you have previously received a cancer diagnosis, it must have been in remission for more than 3 years to apply for this coverage. If you are within the 3-year window, your coverage will be declined.
Any new health conditions you may be diagnosed with in the future would be covered.
Exclusions on a health insurance plan are very common nowadays. Keep in mind, it does not necessarily mean an exclusion will stay on the coverage forever. That’s right! You can submit a request to have an exclusion removed from your coverage if you have been treatment-free for more than 12 consecutive months. Those requests are reviewed by the medical underwriting team for approval – therefore, the request could be approved or denied depending on your circumstances.
How do I know which health insurance plan works best for me?
Medically underwritten coverage
Most people benefit from medically underwritten plans. Even with a few exclusions due to pre-existing conditions, locking in your insurability is sound financial and medical planning. By starting your plan, you are making sure you will have coverage for any new health conditions or severe illnesses that you may develop in the future. Most of us associate severe conditions with getting older and these are the conditions that would be most benefited by coverage as the cost of treatments or prescriptions can be very costly and quickly diminish your life savings if you find yourself without adequate coverage!
Chronic or acute conditions such that health insurance can provide financial reassurance for include asthma, arthritis, psoriasis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, Crohn’s disease, cancer, heart disease, and many more! Some of these conditions can cost between $5,000 to $45,000 a year.
Paying less than $100 for pre-existing conditions (exclusions) on the coverage is a small price to pay to lock in medically underwritten coverage.
Guaranteed issue coverage
In some cases, a medically underwritten plan may not be in your best interest due to multiple or complex pre-existing conditions. We want to make sure you are on the right plan for you so we will determine your medically underwritten cost and out-of-pocket expenses for any exclusions. Once we have this figure, we can determine and advise you on your best coverage option for your situation and interests.
If a medically underwritten health insurance plan is not the best option for you, the Guaranteed Acceptance Health Plan by Medavie Blue Cross is a great way to get the coverage you need.
The Guaranteed Acceptance Health Plan provides basic coverage for routine medical expenses as well as unexpected medical emergencies and accidents that can happen at any time. With no medical underwriting, the Guaranteed Acceptance Health Plan also covers pre-existing conditions.
It includes a range of health and dental benefits with two options for adding drug coverage if required. You can also choose to add on travel coverage for trips outside of the province. This can cover up to 17 days per trip!
Note: When completing your application, please ensure to mail, email, or fax your application directly to us for processing!
By mail: 19 Katherine, Moncton NB, E1C 7M7
By email: info@bluecountryinsurance.com
By fax: 506.852.8444
Guaranteed Issue Health Plans
Note: will provide a PDF of the plan description showing the benefits.
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